Bermuda is a dart game variant that combines elements of both cricket and X01. In this variant you have to hit the given fields 3 times each in the following order:
Round 1: 12 Round 2: 13 Round 3: 14 Round 4: a double field or the bullseye Round 5: 15 Round 6: 16 Round 7: 17 Round 8: a triple field Round 9: 18 Round 10: 19 Round 11: 20 Round 12: Bull or Bullseye Round 13: Bullseye
The points depend on the hit fields; a hit single field gives single points, a hit double field gives double points, and a triple field gives triple points.
- Lobby “Public” the lobby will be public available and other palyers can join your game “Private” your game will not be published and will not be visible within the lobby tab.